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Volunteers are of priceless value to our association. There are many ways you can assist our association to accommodate the services we provide.

Board of management

Our board of management consists of six board members. They are appointed by the general assembly for a term of four years, with the possibility of re-election.

Partners and medical information

In order to join forces and make use of existing initiatives that can strengthen our association, our patient association has joined several umbrella organizations:

ANBI donation status

Our association and Costochondritispatients has been designated by the Tax Authorities as a General Purpose Institution for Public Welfare (ANBI). This means that the association and its donors enjoy tax benefits.


In popular scientific literature Tietze syndrome is, as far as we know, rarely occuring. In medical literature only scarce information can be found, but it’s not easy to understand for laymen.

Helping the association

There are many ways you can assist our association to accommodate the services we provide. You can become a volunteer, or your business or institute can support us with a donation.

Liability and copyright

The website is for informative purposes only. The information on this website has been compiled to the best of our knowledge and belief, based on the knowledge and information available at the time of compilation.

What we do with your contribution or donation

Your contribution helps us in many ways. Are you curious about the details? On this page you will find a brief summary of some of the things that were made possible thanks to your contribution.


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